nature in the city


Flowers Forever. Flowers in Art and Culture
3. February to 27 August, Kunsthalle Munich

Flowers Forever is the first exhibition dedicated to the art and cultural history of flowers from antiquity to the present day. With paintings, sculptures, photographs, design, fashion, interactive media installations as well as natural science objects, the Kunsthalle München presents a fascinating, thematically designed and elaborately staged course.

The Festival

Munich in a floral frenzy. And that for nine months. Indoors and outdoors. In parks and gardens, but also surprisingly and differently. On asphalt squares and canvases, in art spaces, lecture halls and restaurants. Theatrically, musically and literarily. And much more. With hundreds of actors.

Everything revolves around the flower. Its aesthetics. Its sustainability. Its science. It is artistic and natural, fascinating and versatile. As multifaceted as the urban society that participates in the festival in the most diverse areas. Munich celebrates.

Celebrate with us.

More info

The Initiators

BIOTOPIA – Naturkundemuseum Bayern
Botanischer Garten München-Nymphenburg
Kunsthalle München


Beisheim Stiftung
Edith-Haberland-Wagner Stiftung
Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung

Climate partner

Stadtsparkasse München
Bayerische Sparkassenstiftung



Media partner

Claudine liebt Kunst
in München

Trading partner

Pflanzen Kölle

Cultural partner