Trägerverein Kulturhaus Milbertshofen e.V.

The Kulturhaus Milbertshofen is a place where citizens of the Milbertshofen am Hart district can meet and realise their own ideas in the fields of visual arts, music and theatre. Associations, institutions and activists from other parts of the city are also welcome. The Kulturhaus is an institution supported by the City of Munich.

Past events from this partner

Mullein, Carthusian carnations, blackberries, roses June 2023

Wild green space

Courtyard with wildflowers and drought resistant perennials
A site is developed producing independently a vegetation that is insect-friendly and native to Munich.
until 07.10.2023

Exhibition, Garden & Park, Other
Kulturhaus Milbertshofen
Trägerverein Kulturhaus Milbertshofen e.V.



The KünstlerNetzWerk opens its flower world.
Art develops its blossoms in the smallest of Munich flats as well as in our heads – a foray through the flourishing world.
until 31.10.2023

Kulturhaus Milbertshofen
Trägerverein Kulturhaus Milbertshofen e.V.