Georgia O'Keeffe inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe

Blossom Magic in Textile

Florale creations from fabric, yarn and wool
The beauty of flowers paired with textile techniques.
27.09.2023, 10:00 – 13:00 weitere Termine vorhanden

arttextil e.V. Dachau

Blossoms created with different artistical textile techniques are shown as part of this exhibtion.

These handicrafted pieces were created with a range of textile techniques such as felting, applying, embroidering, knitting, sewing, weaving, quilting, lace-making, crocheting, weaving/braiding demonstrating in the most verstile way how rich textile techniques are.

Visitors are to be given inspirations and ideas for their own textile projects.

An exhibition showing the beauty of blossoms and flowers in connection with textile design.




Course room

Martin-Huber-Str. 27
85221 Dachau

To the website Directions
  • Parking spaces:


  • Gastronomic offer:



arttextil e.V. Dachau
To the website


This event is free of charge.

Further information

  • Note on access:

    Die Ausstellung ist geöffnet:
    FR 15.09. von 19:00 bis 24:00 Uhr
    SA 16.09. und SO 17.09. von 11:00 bis 17:00 Uhr
    sowie MI 20.09., MI 27.09. und MI 04.10. von 10:00 bis 13:00 Uhr

  • What language:

    Without words

Further dates

Georgia O'Keeffe inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe
Georgia O'Keeffe inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe © Ute Görgner-Kleber
Martina Dettweiler: Blossom Rush felted with merino wool and silk chiffon
Martina Dettweiler: Blossom Rush felted with merino wool and silk chiffon © Martina Dettweiler
Sigrid Tannert: Needlepoint appliqué on a hand-sewn hexagon quilt
Sigrid Tannert: Needlepoint appliqué on a hand-sewn hexagon quilt © Sigrid Tannert


arttextil e.V. Dachau

The Association for Artistic and Handicraft Textile Design has set itself the goal of preserving, maintaining and reinterpreting old textile techniques. To this end, the association regularly organises courses and further training, exhibitions and lectures.