Cordial invitation to Tanzbar bar for the culture weekend at the Ackermannbogen. Under the motto "From Bavaria to Bollywood" we celebrate the Summer in the City! From Flower Power to Power Flower on two channels with video animations by Lovis Götz and drinks at the bar.
Parking spaces:
not specified
Gastronomic offer:
not specified
In cooperation with
danceable – The Party
To the website
This event is free of charge.
Reservation note:
Headphone rental for a €10 deposit.
Further information
Event duration:
19:00 – 22:00
What language:
Ackermannbogen e.V./KulturBüro
The Ackermannbogen e.V. is a non-profit neighborhood association with a focus on neighborhood, environment and culture. The asscociation see itself as a forum for community spirit and civic engagement in one's own living environment. His vision is to combine individual life with community and to enable a good life for all. So that home is more than just the place where we live.