Flower meadow

Weekend tours

in the botanical garden
Plants in the indigenous cosmovision of Chile (in Spanish)
The tours will focus on botanical and horticultural themes.
24.09.2023, 10:00 weitere Termine vorhanden

Guided tours, Literature & knowledge
Botanical Garden Munich-Nymphenburg

Every weekend, the Munich-Nymphenburg Botanical Garden offers guided tours on various botanical and horticultural topics.
Foreign language tours are also available in English, French, Italian or Spanish.

For the individual topics, please see the overview "Further dates" below and further information.


Botanical Garden Munich-Nymphenburg

Meeting place in front of the greenhouse entrance

Menzinger Str. 65
80638 München

To the website Directions


  • Parking spaces:


  • Gastronomic offer:

    Yes, drinks and food


Botanical Garden Munich-Nymphenburg

To the website



5,50 – 6,50 €

4,00 – 4,50 € (reduced price)

Free admission for children and teenagers under 18 years (during special exhibitions under 12 years)
Details about admission prices and reductions in the Botanical Garden

Further information

  • Age recommendation:

    From 16 years

  • What language:


Further dates

Flower meadow
Flower meadow © Sabine Kroschel
© Botanischer Garten München-Nymphenburg


Botanical Garden Munich-Nymphenburg

Around 19,600 species and subspecies are cultivated in the Munich-Nymphenburg Botanical Garden, which covers an area of 21.2 hectares. The botanical garden is involved in national and international research projects. It has the task of collecting, examining, cultivating and exhibiting wild and cultivated plants from all over the world according to scientific criteria.