An image that contains grass, outside, plant, sky.

acatech on Tuesday – too much nitrogen in the soil!

How agriculture and consumption contribute to reduction
There are different strategies to reduce nitrogen in soils: What do sustainable farming structures look like?
23.05.2023, 19:30

Literature & knowledge
acatech – Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften

All plants need nitrogen to live. Intensified agriculture supplies plants with large quantities of nitrogen compounds via fertilizers and animal feed. Across Germany, an average of 92 kilograms of unused nitrogen per hectare of agricultural land is released into the environment each year – with an existing legal limit of 80 kilograms per hectare  – and accumulates in groundwater, surface waters and soils. Targeted, efficient and demand-oriented application technologies can lead to a significant reduction.

This "acatech on Tuesday" looks at different strategies for reducing the nitrogen content of soils: How must the framework conditions be changed? What contribution can sustainable consumption and informed purchasing decisions make?


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This event is free of charge.

Reservation note:

Please register until May 23 at acatech on Tuesday.

Further information

  • Event duration:

    19:30 – 21:00

  • What language:


An image that contains grass, outside, plant, sky.
Tractor fertilizing a field. © BBV


acatech – Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften

Funded by the Federal Government and the Länder, acatech is the voice of the technological sciences at home and abroad. We provide advice on strategic engineering and technology policy issues to policymakers and the public. We fulfil our mandate to provide independent, evidence-based advice that is in the public interest under the patronage of the Federal President.