
Past events from this partner

Edith Steiner, A rose is a rose is.. 3, Acryl / Tusche auf Papier, 30 x 42 cm, 2023

opening blühe.blühe.

The vital force of flowers
The exhibition of the six artists from Ammersee will be opened with musical accompaniment by the Cosmic Guitar Duo.
10.03.2023, 19:00

Exhibition, Party, Concert & Opera
Künstlerkreis Ammersee / Susanne Flesche

Isabelle Chretien-Brocker, Beautiful flowers, oil on canvas, 100 x 80 cm, 2019

blühe. blühe.

The vital force of flowers
Exhibition and installation with Martina B'shary, Isabelle Chretien Brocker, Dr. Elke Hack, Marianne Schweigler, Edith Steiner, Eva Zenetti
until 28.04.2023

Exhibition, Food & Gastronomy
Künstlerkreis Ammersee / Susanne Flesche

Me & the world  – Roses. Photo, print and wax, 45 x 160 cm, 2023, Edith Steiner

blühe.blühe. artist tour

The vital force of flowers
The artists provide insight into their work and approach.
23.04.2023, 14:00

Guided tours, Exhibition, Food & Gastronomy
Künstlerkreis Ammersee / Susanne Flesche

Flower Frieze, Drawing / Paper Collage, 42 x 250 cm, 2023, Isabelle Chrétien-Brocker

blühe.blühe. artist tour

The vital force of flowers
The artists provide insight into their work and approach.
28.04.2023, 17:00

Guided tours, Exhibition
Künstlerkreis Ammersee / Susanne Flesche


the scent of the thistle

The women writers of GEDOK Munich invite you to their garden and read from their new texts.
25.07.2023, 19:30

Literature & knowledge
GEDOK München e.V.