Nachbarschaftstreff Arnulfpark – QuarterM gGmbH

The neighborhood meetings and cultural institutions of QuarterM gGmbH are a public space for the joint development of living together in a neighborhood, mostly new development neighborhoods in Munich. Together with the residents, they shape the living space and carry out projects in the areas of education, art, ecology, social peace, participation, neighborhood and democracy.

Past events from this partner

Tomato harvest

Garden raised beds day

All about tomatoes, wild herbs and insects
The neighbourhood meeting place and "ArnulFlora" invites you to common gardening, get to know each other and discovering nature.
23.04.2023, 10:00

Workshop, Garden & Park
Nachbarschaftstreff Arnulfpark
Nachbarschaftstreff Arnulfpark – QuarterM gGmbH


Wildflower Meadow Arnulfpark

Biodiversity in urban areas
Katharina Heuberger takes the participants on a discovery tour of the insect paradise in the new development area.
13.06.2023, 18:00

Guided tours, Garden & Park
Nachbarschaftstreff Arnulfpark
Nachbarschaftstreff Arnulfpark – QuarterM gGmbH


The yarrow in medicine, garden and kitchen

With Preparation of an Ointment
The lecture explains the many benefits and uses of the medicinal plant.
14.07.2023, 16:00

Literature & knowledge, Workshop, Other
Nachbarschaftstreff Arnulfpark
Nachbarschaftstreff Arnulfpark – QuarterM gGmbH