Be like the violet

Flower symbolism in ancient painting
On the tour will be shown works rich in flowers. And the language of flowers will also be deciphered.
23.04.2023, 14:00

Exhibition, Guided tours
Alte Pinakothek
Münchner Volkshochschule

In ancient painting, flowers were often placed in the picture to convey or reinforce meanings. This symbolic language ranges from flowers as symbols of passion and virtue in altar or devotional paintings to floral decorations in bridal portraits. The participants can look forward to a flowery, informative tour of the originals in the Alte Pinakothek and decipher the language of flowers with art historian Dr Angela Opel.


Alte Pinakothek

Barer Str. 27
80333 München

To the website Directions


  • Parking spaces:


  • Gastronomic offer:

    Yes, drinks and food


Münchner Volkshochschule
To the website



9,00 €

Plus € 1.00 Sunday admission to the museum

Advance booking:

Start: 01.02.20

Tel: 089. 4 80 06 62 39
Advance booking website

Further information

  • Event duration:

    14:00 – 15:30

  • Maximum number of participants:


  • What language:



Münchner Volkshochschule

The Munich Volkshochschule (MVHS) is the largest adult education center in Germany and was founded at the end of the 19th century. Its program for the state capital of Munich and the municipality of Grünwald in the south of Munich includes around 18,000 courses, lectures, seminars, excursions, exhibitions and cultural events each year, with around 270,000 participants.