Anna Pasco Bolta / VG Bild-Kunst

"Being what it is" by Anna Pasco Bolta

Modelling Ecosystems
The exhibition shows new works by the artist on models that are intended to make reality and the changing environment understandable.
until 07.05.2023

Digital Art Space
Curt Wills Foundation

"Being what it is. Modelling Ecosistems" proposes a new way of naming nature in Chinese translation. This concept stems from the awareness that the word "nature" has distanced us from it, and therefore wants to incorporate the human perspective into it. The exhibition presents three works by local artist Anna Pasco Bolta that look at how humanity creates models to understand reality and the changing environment.

Farm rules are an example of how humanity has created rules for generations to understand and perhaps predict natural phenomena. The interactive work ZENZ(A)I is an artificial intelligence that creates new proverbs from man-made farming rules, the current weather and the mood analysis of Twitter messages. So every visitor can have a farmer's rule created in the exhibition.

The work "Models for a Blessing", on the other hand, presents unique ceramic works in a variety of colours made with different earths. These objects inhabit the exhibition space and mimic a degree of life to illustrate how these models serve to structure movement.

Finally, the photo series "Nature and Circumstance" looks at the construction of nature through the colouring of an originally white rose by cutting off the stem and colouring the water. This work asks the viewer what role we play as co-creators:in of environments.

The public vernissage will take place on 20.04. from 19 to 21:00.


Digital Art Space

Amalienstr. 14
80333 München

To the website Directions
  • Parking spaces:


  • Gastronomic offer:




This event is free of charge.

Further information

  • Zeitraum:

    20.04. – 07.05.2023

  • Note on access:

    Opening hours on Friday by appointment at

  • What language:


Anna Pasco Bolta / VG Bild-Kunst
Anna Pasco Bolta / VG Bild-Kunst © Anna Pasco Bolta / VG Bild-Kunst


Curt Wills Foundation

The Curt Wills Foundation promotes contemporary art, song, dance and music and sees itself as a bridge builder between the disciplines. Artists are supported and encouraged on their way in exhibitions, with an annual sponsorship award and with a residency. The founder particularly believes in the power of art and culture in our society and is also interested in an interdisciplinary approach.

The foundation has achieved what the founder has practiced all his life: Bringing beautiful things together, viewing art, nature, water, people as an inseparable unit of life and creating opportunities to shape this immediate with the means of art.