The German-Spanish-Greek project "Nachbarschaften der Welt" is about people living side by side and with each other. Starting with the smallest unit of the family, scenes from Eugene O'Neill's play "A Long Day's Journey into Night" are used as an example, in which he deals with his tragic family history.
The profession, the first step out of the family sphere. An actress who sees this play in the theatre and becomes a mediator in this installation with her memories. The foreign language (Spanish), another country, being in a foreign country, whether wanted or forced, like emigrants or refugees.
This is the point of connection to Jannis Ritsos' poems "Nachbarschaften der Welt", in which he describes the struggle between dictatorship and people for a more humane society.
Inclusive multilingual theatre installation by Traudl Bogenhauser
With the actors of the Kreativ Labor München/Pfennigparade